"Hagino" Hagi no Tsuru - Junmai Daiginjo Miyama Nishiki 720ml
"Hagino" Hagi no Tsuru - Junmai Daiginjo Miyama Nishiki 720ml

"Hagino" Hagi no Tsuru - Junmai Daiginjo Miyama Nishiki 720ml

Regular price $79.07 Sale price $50.00
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Made from only Mishima rice

It is fermented slowly at a low temperature using only using rice, hard rice, and water .
It is characterized by a very beautiful and elegant taste, but the taste is a little sweet, the throat is smooth, and the scent is beautiful and moist.

kurihara miyagi

Hagino Shuzo

believe to pursue a unique sake that will be remembered along with the
food.Based on the concept of making only a few good things, we aim to
make sake constantly evolving by adopting new technologies while
maintaining the unique traditions and history of sake.